Logesh's blog

Your impact matters

One of my favourite TV series is "The man in the High Castle". It's a historical fiction drama where the axis powers won World War 2 and it develops into how the life goes on in The Nazi America. What I love about this show is that at the end of the series the result was brought on because one person never gave up even though they faced life threatening struggles.

You can be that person. Nihilists and cynics may argue that your actions don't matter in the grand scheme of things. They might be right. But it's fun to strive for better things. To quote Neitzsche "I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible."

So start dreaming the impossible , you can make it happen(many things in today's world might seem like magic to people from 500 years ago, but some madlad was not satisfied with the way things were).

One person can change the world and it can be you!