Logesh's blog

You can't control the winds, but you can adjust your sails.

Have you ever wanted something to happen in a certain way, and it didn't turn out as you hoped? Probably yes. This is because there are factors outside of your control.

You can't control how other people will behave, react, or their actions. You can't control the sun, the moon, the wind, or the tides. You can't control the changing of the seasons from summer to winter or winter to spring.

You can only control how you react to situations. It might seem like a simple enough thing, but it can change the way you live your life. The next time you get angry, pause for a moment and control how you are going to react to the situation. It's usually never helpful to be angry.

Apply this to all areas of life. Don't be a slave to your fleeting emotions and passions.

“You could be the master of your fate, you could be the captain of your soul. But you have to realize that life is coming from you and not at you, and that takes time."