Logesh's blog

Try something new outside your domain

When I joined my college, I was in the honeymoon phase with reading books. I wanted to share my ideas somewhere, and I found the debate club (one of the best things that happened in my life). It was a place for people who didn't like the usual things. I met a variety of people and found a lot of interesting seniors (I am trying to be one now).

After some time, I found out there were Model United Nations happening all around the world. I participated in a few myself and only left with participation trophies. It was expensive for me to attend, but I don't regret the few ones I did. I got to interact with some of the best future lawyers from all around South India. It was coupled with some fun time with my seniors.

Also, I took a solo-travel-esque vacation with my senior from the club, and I enjoyed it thoroughly (initially, we were supposed to go with our super seniors, but it fell apart as it usually does). I can write a short story based on the characters I met on this trip (I might do this).

So yeah, if I had not tried it out, thinking it's only for lawyers, I would have missed out on these awesome experiences that I cherish now.