Logesh's blog

The Eternal Now

I wish I could travel to the past or the future. But they are just mere illusions. There is no past or future; there's just now---the eternal ever-changing now. The terms are made up to make life easier. If I ask you what you did yesterday, you will describe some abstracts. But if you were aware of life, you couldn't describe anything. Nature is multidimensional, but language is linear.

People are afraid of living their lives. They are always worried about the future. They don't enjoy the present or are even aware of it. But you'll ask me, "Don't you have to be practical?" Well, how's that working out for you? You are waiting for the right time that doesn't exist. You have to make it right by just doing it.

Some of my friends have started working, and I thought they would be much happier since they started earning money, but it's the opposite. They are more stressed than ever because they are worried about the future.

So start the meditation practice you've been meaning to, enjoy the sunrises and sunsets, enjoy the nature around you, and go on that night walk in the rain. Bask in the glory of all of nature's creation.