Logesh's blog

The day I talked to my crush.

It was exciting, to say the least. I had an exam that day, and people usually finish their exams and go on their way. The problem was I had never talked to my crush before, so I couldn't exactly call her up to meet me. I finished my exam really early—about an hour and a half early—so that I wouldn't miss her.

Let's cut back to the morning of that day. I had already prepared what I wanted to say to her. But since I might talk non-stop, I decided to go with a letter (yeah, I'm old school that way—don't judge me). I woke up and did my morning routine (yes, I do have a routine). Then I wrote what I wanted to say, put it in an envelope, and went to the gym because I was too excited and nervous.

Now back to the scene where I'm waiting in the corridor for her to come out of the exam hall. Man, I was a wreck. I was not nervous about giving a speech in front of a crowd, but I was afraid of this. That says a lot about fear—it's never rational.

Let's see this from a rational viewpoint and how it will play out.

  1. I go to my crush and say how I feel. Maybe she feels the same way.
  2. I go to my crush and get rejected. That's all. (The answer is already no if I don't try.)

So from the rational viewpoint, I have nothing to lose. Yet I was afraid of this for the past two years.

Examine what you are avoiding because of irrational fear. Your progress might depend on you overcoming that struggle.

Now back to the day. I will probably remember this day in full detail. I felt great after handing the letter over. I was like a child experiencing everything for the first time again. I was smiling like an idiot and felt extreme joy. Everything and everyone seemed beautiful. The bike ride to the bus stand, the clouds covering the mountains, the sun playing hide and seek among the clouds, the wind blowing my hair with a light chill—I felt like the main character in a Miyazaki movie. That is the limit of my descriptive capabilities; I guess you have to experience it to appreciate it.

But I was nervous about what the reply was going to be (rejection sucks even if you are used to it). But it is not in my control anymore. I did everything I could. And I'm proud of myself for not being a chicken till the end of my college. 'Talking to your crush' is anything that you are of afraid of doing.