Logesh's blog

The art of criticism

I love criticism so much. It helps me improve in areas that I'm not aware of. I still remember the criticism session from my club, where we gave a speech for seven minutes. They pointed out all my mistakes in a constructive manner, which helped me to improve rapidly. I'm grateful for that.

Criticism is a form of love. It means they care about you and want to see you improve. You wouldn't criticize an unknown person, would you? But it's not the same as bringing someone down. The general rule of thumb is: don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from.

Also, don't hold back on criticism, thinking you will hurt their feelings. It's better to rip off the band-aid early on than to lead them into their delusions. Although I have had my fair share of misunderstandings in giving criticism, I don't regret it one bit. They will realize it sooner and will improve. That's enough for me. Sometimes, to love someone, you have to be a stranger.