Logesh's blog

The absolute limit switch

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

Think about it for a moment. We have been conditioned by society from childhood about what is possible and what is not. What if I tell you those limits don't exist?

From the cartoons you watch to the TV shows you regularly consume, there is a subtle yet obvious programming about the world and how things are. Anything other than that is considered out of the ordinary.

We are programmed from a young age to view the world in a certain way. They are trying to fill our heads with their limiting beliefs because, at the end of the day, every single piece of media we consume is made by humans with limiting beliefs.

The ones who don't have limiting beliefs fall under science fiction/fantasy (which indirectly signals it's not possible).

If you could bring back a caveman to the world we are living in right now, he would worship you. We can talk to people on the other side of the world in an instant; we have access to the Library of Alexandria in the palm of our hands; we can control the temperature inside our homes with the flip of a switch and preserve our foods for months on end.

These were made possible by the 'crazy people' of their time who didn't believe in limits. They pushed the envelope, and we are enjoying the fruits of their labor.

So keep in mind, today's limiting beliefs might be tomorrow's reality. Once you taste the forbidden fruit behind a certain belief, you'll never be the same again.