Logesh's blog

Take more risks

Take more risks, particularly while you are young (under 30). You don't have to play it safe. You can fall back as many times as you want and still get up. It's the time of life when you can learn about life, and learning doesn't come without failing. It's okay to fail; it's better than not trying at all.

I see so many people in their comfort zones, not doing anything outside of them. They are too afraid to apply for jobs (it's already a no, but you can convert it to a yes), they are socially anxious (just talk with fellow human beings, they are not aliens), or even approach their crush (Oh, you like this girl so much that she's going to know it telepathically in her dream? Come on, get a grip).

Everything good lies on the other side of fear. If you are afraid, good, then there's something gained by attaining that. You are not afraid of losing; you just care too much about what others think.

Nothing is a waste of time. It's a continuous learning opportunity. You should learn to see the world through the grey lens, not just black and white.

Did you even live if you didn't take a single risk?