Logesh's blog

Sea of love

The sea of love is absolute love. It is very still, an absolute letting be, giving space and allowing being. It is goodness without distinction. This is why it is called sea of love – it is like the ocean: endless, embracing and all-allowing. The sea of love on its own is not an intentional act of healing – it does not want to change anything. It is sheer benevolent acceptance.

It is not a myth. It is a real thing. It is as real as the sun that rises in the east every day. It is as real as the moon that orbits around the earth. It is as real as the flowers you see every day and the wind that blows everywhere.

Now you would ask, "Where is this sea of love?" "Where should I travel to see it?"

First of all, you can't see it in the normal way. It can only be felt. Also, it's nowhere to be found except within you. Once it is felt, your entire outlook on life changes. The moment will never be forgotten because of its profound nature.

It is not a material thing that can be bought or possessed in any way or form. The only way to access it is to look inward. It's there within you, but do you have the patience to look for it?

If all of this sounds like bullcrap, it probably is (for you). But deep down, you know it's true because you would have felt it sometime in your life.

Though the names may vary in different religions and faith, in the end it's all leads to one.