Logesh's blog

Reading can change your life.

I am going to make a case for reading books in this age of social media. Here are some common excuses people give for not reading books:

  1. "I don't have time to read books." This is a lie, and they know it as well. If you check your digital wellbeing and see the amount of time you spend on social media, you'll realize that you do have time.

  2. "It's boring to read books." Nope, you are just reading the wrong books. The variety of books available is mind-blowing, and you are trying to say they are all boring? You just have to find the right books. You won't be able to put down the right book but you have to filter it out.

  3. "It's an expensive habit/hobby." While this may be partially true, it's not higher than the amount of money you'll spend on eating out in a week. Also, you can always pirate things (you do that to watch the latest movies, so why not for books?).

I've tried to force-feed my close circle this habit by gifting them books, but the success was okay (not satisfied). Maybe they'll pick up the books later on (I am delusional).