Logesh's blog

Power of praise.

Appreciate Others: It Goes a Long Way

Giving genuine compliments can make a significant impact on someone's day. A friend of mine is a praise seeker (I couldn't use the NSFW term here) and he fishes for compliments in many different ways. Despite this, he generally deserves the compliments he receives. There's a curious culture around complimenting people; we often don't do it as frequently as we should, even though a compliment can truly brighten someone's day. Let me share a few of my personal experiences.

A few weeks ago, I did an AMA on Instagram, and someone asked about a day I remembered vividly. I mentioned the day I met a particular senior who embodied everything I wanted to be. When I mentioned this in my response, he said it made his day. It was a simple gesture, yet incredibly powerful.

Another experience was when I was growing my hair out. A friend told me I looked like Rihanna with long hair, and I don't think I'll ever forget that. Similarly, whenever someone comes up to me after a debate and says they loved it, I feel elated.

Now, I openly compliment people whenever it crosses my mind. I encourage you to do the same.