Logesh's blog

Pondicherry antics

Traveling can change your whole perspective. I went on a 3-day trip to Pondicherry, and it expanded my horizon to a whole new level. I have read so many books, but this short trip was on par with some of the best books I have savored. (This trip was worth ten books money-wise.)

I will tell you about some of the people I met during this trip—it was so diverse. I met a Taiwanese dude who sold rocks and minerals on eBay as a side business while pursuing his master's in geology. He was really fond of tobacco and wanted to travel to the Himalayas. I also met a guy from IIM Calcutta who was doing a thesis on the education system in India and how it can be improved. He took his sweet time to explain the differences in the dating scene in Calcutta and Bangalore (he's from Bangalore).

Then, I met a full-time trader who was staying in hostels for months on end so that he could be with his girlfriend (his parents are very conservative). I also met an aspiring actor (he is brilliant), and we recorded an impromptu podcast because he was doing a challenge. We really had a great time.

I also had a conversation with a doctor (trauma surgeon)from Maharashtra who quit his job and was solo travelling through India. He was a really good painter.

We also cycled through the city of Pondicherry without any lights, fully soaked from our time on the beach, at a terrifying speed. I tried chicken steak from an Italian cafe and was the map guy throughout the trip (a terrible one).

So definitely go on a solo or solo-esque trip to a place where you'll meet a diverse set of people and strike up a conversation with some random folks. Who knows, it might be the beginning of something beautiful in your life.