Logesh's blog

meditation - a 10x multiplier

I've been meditating for the past 100 days, and it has drastically changed my life. During this time, I’ve been consistently running, writing, hitting the gym, and even landed a job—there’s no doubt that meditation played a key role in all of this.

Beyond these accomplishments, I’ve also become more creative, less impulsive, less angry, and generally more appreciative of life.

It all started with a 10-day summer camp organized by my college. We had two sessions each day, and that’s when I thought, "Why not use these 10 days to build every habit I want?" So, I did just that. I began meditating, practicing breathwork, writing, maintaining regular sleep, and eating a clean diet. To my surprise, these habits stuck with me even after the camp ended, creating a powerful snowball effect.

What I love most about this experience is that it proved to my lazy self that I do have the time to do all these things and still enjoy life. If you think this is just a placebo effect, I have one thing to say: "I don’t care!" If it works, it works.

One of my favorite meditations is the loving-kindness meditation (metta). It leaves you feeling light and full of love. Trust me, words can’t fully capture that feeling.

Another concept I’ve embraced through meditation is equanimity. It’s like having the inner smoothness of a ninja—staying calm in both positive and negative situations.

I challenge all of you to meditate for just 7 days, consistently for 10 minutes a day(And if you are gonna fool yourself by saying you don't have the time, by all means do it).If you don’t see any benefits whatsoever, you can give me an earful, and I’ll compensate you accordingly.