Logesh's blog


There's a movie called Limitless where the protagonist takes a pill and becomes a genius. His thoughts become clear, he doesn't procrastinate at all, and he can analyze all his memories from childhood to reach conclusions. What if I told you there's a drug similar to that in the real world?

It's exercise. It seems plain and simple, but anyone who has been working out or running regularly and stopped for a few days can understand this. You are just better in every way when you exercise. Initially, the difference may not be noticeable because you are still overcoming the resistance.

If you've ever run a marathon or anything more than 5k, you would have experienced this state of flow, particularly near the end of the race. Your entire body becomes light, and it seems to run on its own. You will have so much clarity that it can't be described in words. It's like every other noise is drowned out from the world.

Go on out and get high on life. The only limit is in your beliefs.