Logesh's blog

JOMO - Joy of Missing Out

Everyone has come across the term FOMO—fear of missing out. But have you heard of JOMO—the joy of missing out? It's when you don't care about what others are doing and just enjoy the things that interest you.

We are always comparing ourselves in this social media age. Right now, I think half of my college is on a trip somewhere. They are either in Kerala, Goa, or at a hill station. But I don't feel bad because they are having a good time. I'm having a good time running regularly and going to the gym.

It's when you are glad you didn't go out but instead stayed in to read your book or watch the movie or TV series you wanted to. It's when you stay home helping your mom cook or give a helping hand to your dad.

We are so hyper-fixated on what others are doing that we forget to see the beautiful things in front of us. It always comes down to living in the present.

Next time, don't forget to be joyous in missing out.