Logesh's blog

Get your house in order

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."

I have dreamed of changing the world since I was little, but my dream changed when I tried to change myself. For so long, I knew what should be done, but I didn't take any action whatsoever. Information was not the problem; it was the lack of action-taking muscle.

It's very difficult to get out of one's comfort zone (it's called the comfort zone for a reason). It's also very frustrating because you know you should be taking action, but still, you don't do anything. You make New Year's resolutions, and they fall off by the end of January. You think of starting something next week, and the next week keeps on changing. You keep waiting for the perfect moment, and you lose your life day by day.

I wish I could make a button that would make everyone an action taker, but that's not feasible. Also, it's a fool's errand to try and change other people. Just get your house in order. That is the most impactful thing you can do.

Go to the gym and get your dream physique. Go get that high-paying job that will retire your parents early. Go travel the world to share your experiences with your kids one day. The rest of the world be damned. Just be selfish and look out for your own interests and your close circle.

You don't have to give a damn about what's happening on the other side of the world. Shut off all the virtue-signaling assholes on social media. Do something that will spill over unintentionally help others.

"It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection."