Logesh's blog

Expand your lens collection.

We all view the world through lenses, which help us categorize everything neatly. We often change these lenses depending on different aspects of life.

For instance, when it comes to serious crimes like murder or rape, we tend to switch to a black-and-white lens. In these cases, we don't care about the reasons behind the act; analyzing it won't change the outcome.

However, we also tend to use this black-and-white lens in our everyday lives, which isn't beneficial. Many factors influence how people behave, and we can't just bucket them into two categories, though it may be convenient.

Examples include:

These judgments are based on what others can do for us, viewed through a black-and-white lens.

Instead, we can choose to see the world through a lens where everything that happens is in our favor, even if we don't understand it. (I know some people who are the exact opposite of this—I'm deeply staring into your eyes as you are reading this—depressed even though their life is good.)

Your imagination is the limit in this regard. Create a lens collection of your own.