Logesh's blog

Everything is a skill issue.

Everything is a skill issue and it's a good thing. That means you have room for improvement and you can improve it if you put in the hours necessary. It's a relief because anyone can put in the hours. You don't have to be a genius to just show up and put in the work.

If you suck at running and wanna improve your timing/pace, you just have to improve your leg strength, core strength, VO2 max and this can done through practice.

If you suck at coding, you can improve by practicing more and analysing your approach.

There is no born genius. Sure, there might be some people who are naturally inclined to a particular field and it might feel like 'play' for them. But the good thing is you just have to focus on yourself to become good.

It's not a matter of "can I do it?". It's just a matter of "Do I want it bad enough?".