Logesh's blog

Enjoy your filler days

Today was one of those days you might consider filler if you lived in an anime world.

I did nothing "important." I rectified an issue regarding internal marks in my college and had some photos printed for my driving license.

Then, I hitchhiked to the nearest bus stop and boarded a bus to the driving school I’m enrolled in while listening to a single song on loop.

After finishing the formalities at the driving school, I went to a temple, prayed, and munched on some pineapple and corn.

Since I still had some time, I decided to watch a matinee show on a weekday and then went back to my college. I hit a quick gym session, and that concluded my day.

It might not seem like I did anything noteworthy today, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. So, enjoy the filler episodes in your life.