Logesh's blog

Don't be a lone wolf.

One of my biggest mistakes in college was trying to be a lone wolf, figuring things out on my own. I didn't want to bother others, and honestly, I thought I was too smart to need help. But it just made college life more tedious because I had to take care of everything by myself, unlike in a group setting.

As I started stepping out of my sheltered space, I began relating more with my classmates. They weren't much different from me. Funnily enough, I met most of my friends through a weeklong admission in the medical center, an email I sent in the first year, and through the debating club. These connections compounded over time, and now I know a lot of them. From my own experience, I can tell you it's better to be with the pack than to be alone. Just remember, you can learn from anyone if you have an open mind.

It's just like how Barney says in 'How I Met Your Mother'"Whatever you do in life, it's not legendary unless your friends are there to witness it."