Logesh's blog

Do it for the plot.

I've been using this phrase pretty regularly lately: "Do it for the plot." Whenever I'm in a dilemma about doing something and the risk is negligible to non-existent, I say this to myself.

Recently, I completed a 10-day summer camp amidst the placement season, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. While some told me it would be difficult to juggle, I just thought that I would need to cut my screen time to go to the camp. It was that simple.

Because of this summer camp, I started playing hockey and met some amazing juniors. All I had to do was answer this question: "Which would look better in a movie plot? A guy sitting around using his smartphone or a guy trying different activities in the camp?"

The second-order consequences of doing a particular thing are really underrated. I didn't know I would get close with all the coaches or the juniors. I didn't know I would start playing a new game just because I played it a single time.

So, every time you want to do something, think about which would look cooler on the movie screen.