Logesh's blog

Click Me Baby One More Time: The Validation Edition

In recent times, the word "validation" got a negative association. It's like it's inherently bad if you seek validation. Well, you don't need others' validation to live, but it certainly is helpful. Validation indicates whether the thing you are doing is actually wanted by people. It is situation-based.

If you're trying to be a content creator and you say to yourself, "I don't need validation. I know my worth," then you are just plain stupid because the main goal here is to directly impact as many people as possible.

I like the validation I get from these writings. When people upvote or share their story privately after reading it, I am elated because it spoke to them in some way and was relatable to them. So yeah, if you think this is validation-seeking behavior, you're right. It is really helpful for me to assess what style of writing the audience particularly likes. It's not a bad thing just because of the phrase "validation seeking."

The validation doesn't have to be external per se. It can be internal. I know there's a critic inside everyone shouting at you (because mine is frantic right now). You just have to push yourself to be better and surpass the limit every time.

"The worst thing is that you betrayed yourself for nothing."

But don't try to sabotage yourself by not being authentic in search of validation. That is like cutting off your hands to get a nice ring. Also, we all have that one favorite subject, not because we were necessarily good at it, but because the teacher made us believe that we are the best through their validation.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."