Logesh's blog

Bide your time

Everything significant in life takes a long time. There are no shortcuts to success. You put in the effort consistently over a long period of time, and you'll get your results for sure. It's that simple.

But we are easily distracted by the shiny things others display. We become envious and bitter seeing others succeed and lose sight of what's important.

Don't compare yourself with others. They are on a different path altogether. It might not be obvious now, but look back on a time when you thought the world was going to end because you didn't get good enough marks or you lost your wallet somewhere. Remember what happened? Nothing. It will be the same for every other setback in life. You think it's over, but it is never over. You find a way every single time.

So, the next time you question yourself, remember the times you overcame your hardships.

I'll leave you with a quote from one of my favourite books 'Siddhartha'. "I can think, I can wait, I can fast."