Logesh's blog

Be unapologetically cringe

You probably have this fear of being cringe. Whenever you want to try something new, the resistance (from one of my favorite books, "The War of Art") will use this because it has worked in the past. Social shaming is much more effective in preventing you from trying new things. You don't want to stand out from the crowd. You just want to keep your head down and do your stuff. I understand you, but it is 100 times more rewarding to do things that are considered cringe.

I'll tell you a few things to overcome this barrier. When I started running, I used to stare off into the mountains (the view from my college is really good) and open my arms wide open when my arms got tired. If you are picturing this, it's probably a bit cringey, isn't it? I even ran in the rain once when everyone else was running for cover.

Even writing this blog may seem cringe to many of you. But I don't care about those people. I am writing for myself and the few people who find it useful.

Some random cringy things I did: not holding the bar in a bus to show off, reading a book on public transport (I felt like I committed a crime worse than murder), asking out a different person at an event (and following through with it because I am not a monster), and a few more I can't mention publicly.

I am still alive and thriving(debatable). If I had thought of what other people might think, I wouldn't have done any of these things. So do the thing that seems cringe.